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News Release

Nez Perce National Forest

Clearwater National Forest

104 Airport Road

Grangeville , ID   83530


12730 Highway 12

Orofino , Idaho   83544


Contact:  Laura Smith


Contact:  Elayne Murphy

for immediate release

Date:  January 26, 2011


Forest Service extends comment period for the Upper Lochsa Land Exchange

Comments due March 9, 2011

            Rick Brazell, Forest Supervisor for the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests, has extended the comment period for Upper Lochsa Land Exchange Draft Environmental Impact Statement by two weeks to March 9, 2011.

            According to Brazell, the original 90 day comment period is being extended due to public interest in the project and his current meeting schedule.

            The Upper Lochsa Land Exchange Draft Environmental Impact Statement was released November 22, 2010.  It includes four action alternatives and one no action alternative.

            The preferred alternative is designed to maximize the purchase component of the exchange while minimizing the acres of federal land that would be exchanged.  It would be phased in over three years, allowing the agency time to secure funding for the purchase of as many acres as possible.  The amount of federal land exchanged could vary from approximately 6200 acres to 14,200 acres.

            Comments are being accepted through March 9.  Information regarding the exchange is posted on the Forest’s website under the heading “Projects.”

For additional information, contact Project Leader Teresa Trulock at (208)935-4256.