October 2, 2019

1912 Community Center (Moscow, Idaho)

Linwood Laughy presented "New Perspectives on Snake River Salmon Recovery, Commerce and Hydropower" at the League of Women Voters of Moscow (LWV-Moscow) forum on Wednesday, October 2nd.

The last 20 years have produced significant changes in freight transportation on the lower Snake River, in energy markets, and in the survival of threatened and endangered Snake River salmon and steelhead. The combination of these changes requires a new look at the lower Snake River dams. Laughy used a series of charts and graphs to buttress his argument, many of which come directly from government sources. 

Laughy grew up in Lewiston and was a long-time resident of the upper Clearwater Valley. He is the president of the board of directors of Advocates for the West, an environmental law firm with offices in Boise and Portland and current cases in 11 western states. He is an honors graduate of Harvard College.

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